Josef Heel

Hardware and Software Designer, Maker, Electronics Enthusiast


Welcome to my personal website! With this appearance, I’d like to show some personal projects and other things I find interesting. It serves as an online portfolio as well as a “project diary”.

Here you can expect to find articles about projects including analog and digital electronics, microcontrollers, RF experiments, mechanics and CNC-machines, woodworking and more. I also occasionally write a blog post if I run in something worth blogging about.

Work like hell, tell everyone everything you know, close a deal with a handshake, and have fun.
Harold E. Edgerton, U.S. electrical engineer

The plan is to additionally publish some findings, small tutorials and design materials such as schematics here. But this will take time as it is a lot of work to write something up neatly for publishing.

In case you have any questions, feel free to … drop me an Email

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Last updated: 12.10.2024