ARDF Transmitter with RFID Registration
Projects, Ham radio ·Abstract
The aim of this project is the development of a universal, practicable ARDF transmitter for the Austrian Amateur Radio Association (ÖVSV). The concept is based on the diploma project “ARDF Duoband Transmitter” by Simon Außerlechner, Clemens Moroder and Gerald Renner at HTL Anichstraße from 2006, with the design revised and partly extended with new functionalities. The ARDF transmitter is able to transmit automatically both in the 80m- and in the 2m HAM frequency band. Aditionally, a SWR meter makes the process of tuning the antennas easier when placing and installing the transmitters in the terrain. Registration of the participants during the competition is accomplished via RFID-tags in conjunction with an integrated RFID-reader. The configuration of the transmitter prior to the event as well as the analysis of the competitor’s data afterwards is carried out digitally via a PC interface. The elaborated hard- and software design is tested on a prototype, where it is found that most of the requirements are met. In some places, possibilities for future improvements and further development are shown.
A comment
This is the final year thesis at the technical college (HTL) which I did together with Simon Kaufmann. At first, we were a bit concerned that it was comprehensive enough for to a thesis as it is based on other’s work and we only intended to do some modifications and updates to it. In the end, it turned out out much more sophisticated and tricky than we anticipated, as it is usually the case with those kind of projects. What was thought to be just a new revision turned into a completely new design in hard- and software. Thankfully, our supervisor spend many hours especially with me to figure out all sorts of issues and get this done in the end.
Find more information about this project here and download the thesis here (in German).